This is an eight week leadership project for middle and high school students at Apple Valley Christian School. Students will design, implement and “pass forward” a Sustainable Practice* to enhance the, local community and/or internationally via a mission trip to San Ignacio Mexico. Students will learn to practice the principle of Biblical StewardshipGod’s instruction to manage responsibly and “c0-create” with all of his gifts to us. The purpose  is to give students an opportunity to put leadership into action (Experiential Leadership) and and encourage a very special school and  faithful staff that already does an exemplary job of developing Christian leaders through its Classical Education model but faces serious challenges from public charter school. Our goal is to encourage the students to realize the incredible change God’s Grace can bring to communities as we all strive to leave a sustainable, productive future for all the world’s children.

The curriculum: Leadership modules taught by Pastor John Richart; Stewardship and Sustainable Development taught by Neville Slade using Effective Stewardship Curriculum – from the Acton Institute  (

Check out Lesson One – Talents – YouTube (

Projects will be focused around the following sustainable practices: Food Production- Nutrition/Obesity, Composting, Heirloom seeds; Solar electric power, and heating; Water filtration/,treatment, testing, drip irrigation; Waste management- recycling, reuse; Sustainable building materials- plastic bottle skylights, straw-bale/Cob walls; Animal husbandry- goat care , Chicken Tractors; Eco-tourism- Gray Whales; Web-based collaboration tools-simple/free Web Site Software

Scheduling: We will teach Leadership and Stewardship Tuesday and Wednesday at lunchtimes for Middle and High Schools. Two stewardship workshop  will be scheduled at the Sustainable Living Center (6 miles east of Apple Valley on week-ends (Friday PM to Sunday AM) in late Feb and early March. Optional mission Trip to  San Ignacio Baja is scheduled for approximately March 22- 30,  8 days (Fri.-Sat.) to engage with local school children and share the Sustainable Practice that students have developed.

The cost is estimated to be $1200 and sponsorship will be sought from the local community and business.